What You Get From Having Independent, Unbiased Advice From San Diego and Coronado’s Fiduciary Financial Advisor:When clients come to us, they benefit from the following services, which are included as part the asset management fee of 1.0% for qualifying client accounts (minimum of $100,000):1. Customized Portfolio Management for Stock and Bond Portfolios (see below how we manage investment portfolios):
- Asset allocation to take advantage of changing market conditions
- Diversification to reduce the risk of concentrated losses
- Risk management to help protect against large declines in the market
- Tax-Loss Harvesting to help keep taxes low
- Options strategies to reduce risk and increase income
We can create a financial plan for you so you have a detailed road map for where you will be financially X-number of years in the future with a high degree of certainty. We use MoneyGuidePro, which is one of the most widely used programs by Certified Financial Planners to help clients establish long-range financial forecasts with a higher degree of success. Watch this brief video below to see how MoneyGuidePro can be used to put you on the right track for your retirement and feel prepared:
3. Complimentary Account Aggregation: see all your accounts (401(k)s, IRAs, checking/savings, mortgage, etc) in one place using Blueleaf, regardless of financial institution, so you can see your entire picture of wealth in one place and how you’re moving toward your financial goals.
How We Manage Investment Portfolios
Your investment portfolio represents a lifetime of effort and savings. That is why it is more important than ever to not only be able to grow your wealth, but to also protect it.
It’s this latter ingredient that is often missing in conventional investment approaches that resulted in large losses for investors in the bear markets of 2008 and 2000-2002.
Parabolic Asset Management is led by Rainier Trinidad, CFA, who distinguished himself from his peers by profitably steering his hedge fund clients through the 2008 Financial Crisis (for perspective on how difficult it was to achieve this, in 2008, of the 2,800 mutual funds that Morningstar tracked, only 1 made money).
Rainier’s 17 year career spans three bull markets and two bear markets, and his unique experience and approach has proven invaluable to clients who have sought a balance between pursuing attractive investment returns and increased safety during volatile market environments. This is achieved by using a smart approach to asset allocation and complementing it with risk-reducing and income-enhancing option strategies.
Our firm’s approach is based on evidence going back over a century that helps investors participate in broad advances in the market while protecting them during the inevitable downturns.
To demonstrate how such an approach has fared in the past, the following are simulated results of $10,000 invested in our Relative Risk Model, from January 1994 to September 30, 2015. The model allocates between stocks and bonds, depending on the changing risks of each asset class:
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Relative Risk Model returns from 1/1994 to 9/30/2015 |
The model succeeds because it actively participates only in markets that have favorable risk profiles and does not hesitate to take protective measures to ensure the preservation of capital. If you’ve ever known of anyone who made tremendous profits in the stock market only to lose it all again, you witnessed an investor who grew their wealth but didn’t have a process to protect those gains. This model achieves the objective of growing and protecting wealth by adding a prudent defensive strategy to the investment process..
One of the greatest dangers to an investment plan is not sticking with it and letting your emotions dictate your decisions. We control for behaviorial finance factors that harm investor returns (like buying high and selling low), and having prudent risk management strategies in place increases both peace of mind and the likelihood of you staying on course to help you reach your financial goals.
• Our portfolio manager has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation (what is the CFA?)
• We are held to the Fiduciary Standard, not the Suitability Standard
• To help maintain objectivity, we do not accept commissions or incentives from outside parties
• We seek the lowest-cost solutions to help you meet your investment goals
• Our fees are significantly lower than traditional wire houses (compare our fees)
• According to Vanguard, an investment adviser can add up to 3% in net returns for clients.
Rainier Trinidad, CFA
San Diego and Coronado’s Fiduciary Financial Advisor
Parabolic Asset Management
(619) 888-4070
Investment Risk Disclaimers: (i) Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed to appreciate, and (ii) Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
• Experienced: Over 17 years of experience, spanning three bull markets and two bear markets. Managed $100 million at Wells Fargo’s Wealth Management division and co-managed a $50 million hedge fund.
• No Conflicts Of Interest: You get unbiased advice because we don’t sell commissioned products. Fee is 1% of AUM (learn more).
• Your Interests Come First: We are held to the Fiduciary Standard, not the Suitability Standard.
• Avoid High Expenses: Index funds have up to 90% lower fees than actively-managed mutual funds and outperform them over the long term. Don’t own them? You may be paying too much.
• Held to the CFA Code of Ethics: Our firm believes in operating with integrity and abiding by the highest ethical and professional standards in the industry.
Rainier Trinidad, CFA
San Diego and Coronado’s Fiduciary Financial Advisor
Parabolic Asset Management
206 J Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 888-4070
Investment Risk Disclaimers: (i) Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed to appreciate, and (ii) Past performance is no guarantee of future results.